
On social media, there’s a lot of messaging that says if you’re not making ugly faces and crawling out of the gym each day, you’re not working hard enough. Should you be lifting heavy every session? Let’s talk about it.

Carbohydrates 101

In the second installment of my nutrition series, let’s talk about carbohydrates. Carbs are a group of energy-yielding compounds that contain 4 calories per gram. They supply the body with glucose, which is then converted to energy.

Better Results

So you’re not seeing the results you want in the gym. You’re burned out from juggling everything and you’re ready to give up. If this sounds like you, take a second to breathe. Don’t give up. All is not lost: you may just need to revisit your overall strategy and tweak things a bit.

Protein 101

In this nutrition series, I’ll be breaking down each macronutrient in detail: what each one does, how much you need, and how to get the most out of your food. Since protein is typically the most popular in the fitness community, let’s start there.

Grocery Shopping Tips

Nutrition is a huge part of fitness. If you want to maximize your results in the gym, you’ll probably need to balance your macros and make some changes to your diet. Today, I’m breaking down a few things to remember as you move through the grocery aisles.

March Hits and Misses

Every month, I make it a point to try new foods, brands, or products. It’s fun to switch things up, but there’s always a risk that something won’t live up to your expectations. Luckily, this month, there was only one thing I bought and didn’t love. Keep reading to find out what I’d recommend and what to skip.

4 Fitness Truths

One of my goals for my business is to simplify fitness for busy women. I am passionate about helping you create sustainable change that allows for freedom, flexibility, and enjoyment. Here are 4 fitness truths that surprised me when I first started working out.

Compound vs. Isolation

Compound and isolation exercises both have an important place within your workout programming. Let’s talk about the differenced between these types of lifts and how you should program them.

Three Types of Presses

There are three common ways to press in the gym: the overhead press (OHP), the push press, and the strict military press. Although they have the same general motion, they also have important differences.


Do you ever feel intimidated stepping into a public gym? If so, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that up to 65% of women avoid the gym for fear of judgment. So how do you overcome it?


Despite being safe, effective, and affordable, creatine is one of the most misunderstood supplements on the market. Here are a few facts about this often underutilized compound.

How I Stay Consistent

After my second daughter was born in summer 2021, I made it my mission to get into the best shape of my life. I’ve been consistent for quite a while now, despite having a busy family life and working full time. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been worth it. Here are my tips for staying on track.

Working Mom Meal Prep Tips

Between working full time, parenting two little kids, and my gym schedule, I don’t have much time to cook elaborate meals. Luckily, you can still eat a healthy, balanced diet while taking some shortcuts in the kitchen.

The Truth About Carbs

It seems like low-carb foods are everywhere today. With the popularity of keto and Atkins diets, it’s no surprise that some people are watching their carbs closer than ever. And I was one of them.

Gym Slang, Part 1

Do you ever feel like people in the gym are speaking another language? No worries, I got ya! In today’s post, I’m breaking down a few terms you’ll hear at the gym.