Hi, I’m Haileigh

I’m a NASM-CPT, content creator, and mom of two. I’m passionate about helping busy women build strength and find balance.



Do you ever feel intimidated stepping into a public gym?

If so, you’re not alone. Studies have shown that up to 65% of women avoid the gym due to anxiety or fear of judgment. I was one of them.

What is gymtimidation?

“Gymtimidation” is that uncomfortable feeling of intimidation or inadequacy at the gym. It can show up in several ways: being self-conscious around athletic people, questioning your abilities, or feeling insecure that you’re doing an exercise with poor form or using a machine incorrectly.

It sucks, and it will hold you back from your goals. So, how do you overcome it?

remember that people are focused on themselves.

It can feel like everyone is watching you at the gym. But trust me, they’re not. People are way too self-absorbed to care what you’re doing.

And if anyone were to judge you, those aren’t the people I’d want to impress or get to know anyway. So their opinion doesn’t matter.

learn as much as possible.

Book a few sessions with a personal trainer (like me), work out with a friend, record form videos of yourself, watch YouTube videos, read articles from Bodybuilding.com, and find some social media mentors. Spend a lot of time learning. The more you know, the more confident you’ll feel.

practice often.

When it comes to getting good at something, there’s no shortcut to putting in the work. With consistent hard work, everything will eventually “click” (but it may take longer than you think).

Practice the basic lifts regularly until they become second nature: squats, deadlifts, presses. Establish a solid foundation before moving on to more complicated things.

Your goal is to build a level of self-confidence that isn’t shattered by anyone or anything. Don’t give in to your fears of the gym. If you let the fear win, you’ll miss out on the amazing opportunity to become your best self.

Three Types of Presses

Three Types of Presses

